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ϳ  Ҹϴ Ӿ õϴ ̾. ¡̴ ", ִ ü ֵǾ Խϴ.

ظ ǽõǴ ߰б ż, Լ, б ڻ , ڰݽ ׸ ü Ѱ ͵ μ  ¿ ̴. Ư ô ū ̾  Ϸ ռ ⿡ 翬 ־ Դϴ.

Idioms() Ͽ, ٽ 帮 ָŸȣ ؼ ٸ ¥ ϰ ̡ Ģ Ͽ Idioms ϳ üȭ Ӱ ϴ ڵ 䱸 ֵ 뼺Ͽ. Ư ڻź(suicide bombing attack)  ֱ ϴ ֿ ؼ ʱ Ͽ û翵 Ƿ 󿡵 ְ Ͽϴ.

ڴ 21 ȭ ô뿡 ɸ´ ο Idioms ڴٴ ڷغ 12̶ ª Ͽ, ־߸ ʰ ۾ ݺ 15,000 entry üȭ ִ ִ Idioms ־. ϳϳ () 츮 ֺ ߻ϴ ȯ, , ȸ, , , ֱ û , ׸ ġ, ݿ ģ â ʷ ǥ ֵ ϴ ƴϾ. ű⿡ cf, Ӿ, , , Ӵ ׸ [] Ͽ Ƿ ֵ ձ ҽϴ.

׷ٰ å Ϻϴٴ ƴϴ. ߵ Ӿ Ҹϴ ̾ ڱ ƴ, Ϲ ܱ Ϻ̶ . ɷ ִ ּ ￴ٴ ϰ , ݷ ħ ӿ ϰ ӵ帳.

ó Բ ֽ ȣ ϸ, ɾ ݷ ֽð ñ⿡ ⸦ ̴ּ Բ 帳ϴ.
, ʰ ǰ ̰ ֵ 翡 Ƴ 츮 ־⿡ Ǿ ƿ﷯ д. е ǰ  ū ñ⸦ ϴ

one's bread and butter
bull in a china shop

call after
call at
call away
call after
call sbs bluff
call by
call sb by name
call down
call for
call forth
call a halt
call in
call it a day
call sb names
call of nature
call off
call on
call on the carpet
call out
call over
call round
call the shots
call a spade a spade
call to account
call to order
call the tune
call up
callow youth
calm before the storm
calm down
camp it up
camp out
can afford
can make nothing of
cancel out
canned laughter
canned music
cannot but
cannot (or never) fail to
can't make head(s) or tail(s) of
cannot see the woods for the trees
cannot too
cannot without
cap in hand
(be) capable of
capital offense
capitalize on
captain of industry
captive audience
care about
care for
care killed the cat
care to
caretaker government
carrot and stick
carry along
carry away
carry back
carry the ball
carry the can
carry conviction
carry forward
carry off
carry off the palm
carry on
carry out
carry over
carry through
carry too far
carry a (or the) torch
carry weight
cart away
carve out
carve up
cash in
cash in on
cash up
cast about (or around)
cast aside
cast away
cast back
cast down
cast the first stone
cast off
cast out
cat around
cat has nine lives
catch at
catch one's breath
catch cold
catch dead
catch one's eyes
catch fire
catch a glimpse of
catch it (hell)
catch (or get) it in the neck
catch sb napping
catch on
catch out
catch a packet
catch sight of
catch up
catch with ones pants down
cater to
cave in
center around
chain up
chalk up
champ at the bit
chance on (or upon)
change color
change down
change hands
change horses in the middle of a stream (or change horses in midstream)
change into
change one's mind
change off
change over
change round
change one's tune
chapter of accidents
(be) characteristic of
charge to
charge up
charge with
chase after
chase away
chase up
chat up
chatter away
cheat on
cheat out of
check back
check in
check on (or up on)
check out
check over
check through
check up
cheek by jowl
cheer up
cheese off
cherry farm
chew the cud
chew the fat (or rag)
chew on (or over)
chew the scenery
chew out
chew up
chicken feed
chicken-hearted (or chicken-livered)
chicken out
chicken switch
chickens come home to roost
chill out
chill the spine
chime in
chip away at
chip in
chip off the old block
chip on ones shoulder
choke back
choke down
choke off
choke up
choose up
chop down
chop off
chow down
chow line
Christmas club
chuck away
chuck in
chuck out
chuck up
chum up
churn out
cigar-store Indian
circumstances alter cases
claim check
clam up
clamp down on
clap on
claw back
clay pigeon
clean down
clean hands
clean out
clean up
clear the air
clear away
clear the decks
clear ones head
clear of
clear off
clear out
clear up
cleave to
clench ones teeth
clever at
cliff dweller
climate of opinion
climb down
climb on the bandwagon
climb to power
cling to
clinging vine
clip joint
clip one's wings
clock in (or on)
clock up
clog up
close at hand
close the books
close by
close call
close the door
close down
close down on
close (or shut) one's eyes
close in on (or upon)
close off
close on
close out
close ranks
close season
(be) close to
close to ones heart
close up
close up shop
closed book
cloud one's brain
cloud over
clown around
club together
cluck and grunt
clue in
clump together
cluster around
clutch at
clutch up
clutter up
coast is clear
cobble together
cock and bull story
cock one's ear(s)
cock of the walk
cock up
coffee break
coffee table
coil up
coin money
cold cash (or hard cash)
cold comfort
cold feet
cold fish
cold snap
cold turkey
cold war
cold without
collect up
collective farm
collectors items
color guard
color scheme
color up
comb out
comb through
come about
come across
come after
come again
come alive
come along
come along with
come and get it
come apart
come apart at the seams
come around (or round)
come at
come away
come back
come back (or down) to earth


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